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tool engineering中文是什么意思

用"tool engineering"造句"tool engineering"怎么读"tool engineering" in a sentence


  • 工具技术
  • 工具学


  • Aste american society of tool engineers
  • Prepare welding fixture and assy fixture application , and discuss with tooling engineer together for fixture design
  • Close liaison with product managers , purchasing and tooling engineers of members of fpfp to ensure requirements are fully understood
  • Ohrmann montagetechnik - our products and services are covered into the following ranges : mounting technique , grouting technology and automatic control engineering as well as product development and / or tool engineering
    Ohrmann montagetechnik公司专业从事产品开发、装配技术以及自动化技术和工具设计(结构)业务。
  • Director of mechanical design patrick brings to the table more then 25 years of experience in mechanical design and tooling . he worked more then 14 years as a tool engineer in silicon valley and at ford , and went on to design packaging machinery
    身为专案经理, wei居间协助为各国际产品开发伴沟通牵线替客户直接管理监控专案或替为客户现有之设计顾问与供应商确保设计之执行与完成。
用"tool engineering"造句  


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